December is a time for both spiritual and physical reflection. Action Zealandia members this month took part in activism, physical activities and article writing. While also reflecting on the actions of the movement over the past year.


Our team of writers authored three high quality articles on a variety of differing topics this month.

Race Differences, Genetic Similarity and Ethnic Nationalism

Delves into the link between race, IQ distrust and other behaviors between races.

Globalist Agriculture and the Decline of Rural New Zealand

This article criticizes the practices of modern globalised agriculture while also looking into the negative effect these practices have on our nation, the environment, our farmers and our people.

Anti-Immigration as a Respect for Uniqueness

This articles looks at how centuries of struggle created the ethic and national groups that exist today. How the current Economic tool of mass migration will destroy the uniqueness of these groups and leave their lands irrverserly damaged.


Our postering campaign has entered a new phase as more posters went up this month than all other months combined. Posting as always is a great way to get the message out, showing the public that their is an alternative to our individualistic, consumption driven culture.


Dominion Road


General fitness

Auckland Members took part in a day of general fitness. This included activities such as cardio, sports and arguably more excitingly, MMA lessons from one of our fellow members within the movement.

This day of fitness was followed by an end of year Christmas dinner to discuss the year gone by and also discus future strategy and activities for 2020.


Members of the Auckland branch took part in a long awaited boxing tournament. Many bruises and aches were had that day. The members look forward to putting their skills to the test again in the near future.

Ecology in Action

This month some of the more ecologicaly minded members planted two dozen native kowhais around their community to increase the bee and native bird population. These populations have been devastated by our unsustainable growth-driven society.

Looking Ahead

The year 2019 has been a great start to the movement. Men are joining our cause and new branches have been established up and down the country. Be sure to check out our previous action summaries to check out the action over the past year. If you are a supporter, you can keep up to date with our new articles and actions by joining our telegram.

Action Zealandia has big plans heading into 2020. Be a part in somthing bigger than yourself. Join Today!

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