Reading the news lately I found my anger rising, as is so often a consequence of perusing the Lügenpresse, the article in question was simple onanism over the success of Pharmac’s plans to fund new, effective diabetes treatments only for Islander and Maori citizens, the first policy of its kind! Continue Reading
Enemies Of The People: The Astor Foundation
This bite-sized essay is a deep dive into the Astor Foundation, one of the major Jewish charitable foundations which promotes the anti-white agenda within New Zealand. We will limit our scope to the Astor Foundation, its officers and its operations with what documentation is available. The analysis will first analyse the Continue Reading
The struggle against total enslavement
Our Predicament: The struggle against total enslavement is here – for freedom we fight. To the person reading this, please pay close attention to what you read here: nment-new-zealand ers-reform Though this was some time ago, it really is a great thing that Timaru managed to get itself Continue Reading
Interview with III Droga
The sentiment behind the Mosdorf quote you have used in your Foundational Declaration to substantiate your mindset and commitment is both honourable and highly respectable. This willingness to dedicate oneself to something greater and beyond oneself is something that the majority of individuals struggle to fathom in this era. How Continue Reading
Nationalism: Gateways and Gatekeepers
The majority of newcomers to nationalist circles have arrived here by consuming a lot of (mostly internet) content, which led them to a certain spectrum of views and events that changed their world view. Some ofthe creators of this content are ‘gateways’ to ethno-nationalism, while others are ‘gatekeepers’ whose role Continue Reading
Kerre McIvor Needs to go Home
The current sentiment from New Zealand media to try and quash the organic growth of a protest movement fighting for a just cause is annoying to say the least. As if any of these ‘journalistic’ figureheads with cushy salaries in their ivory palaces understand anything about what the average working Continue Reading
‘Splintered realities’: How NZ media and government lost its way
Out-of-touch so-called “mainstream media” articles reveal the story of how New Zealand’s media and their imported “journalists” like far-left fringe conspiracy theorist Marc Daalder are totally nonsensical in their reports while they desperately attempt to control the narrative. While Jewish conspiracy theorist Marc Daalder is busy claiming “the convoy wasn’t Continue Reading
Dealing with Police
Over the last few months anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine and anti-government protesters and activists have been facing increased pressure and intimidation at the hands of the New Zealand police and legal system. Unsolicited police visits for social media posts, trespass notices and fines for stickering, fines for attending rallies, and most recently Continue Reading
Name Changes: More Cultural Undermining
There is currently a dispute in New Zealand that is centred around certain Maori MPs (and others) calling for the name of our country to be officially changed to Aotearoa, and for every non-Maori place name to be changed to a Maori one. This is similar territory to changing the Continue Reading
Judicial Pandemonium
On September 6th 2021 in response to the ISIS-inspired Lynn mall attack, the government-owned and funded 1 News broadcasted to the public that the authorities should focus on “extremists we can’t deport”, and on the importance to “intervene early on, as soon as people are showing problematic signs”. They went Continue Reading