Action Zealandia members Hector and Fredrick interview the spokesman of Australian Action, the newest Nationalist organization in Australia. Topics of discussion include Aus Action’s ideals, the Nationalist scene in Australia as well at the absolute current state of New Zealand and Australian politics. Australian Action:
Voice of Zealandia Episode 26 – featuring Eric Striker
Action Zealandia members Hector and Zane, along with Kerry Bolton interview Eric Striker of the National Justice Party. Topics include the storming of the Capital Hill Building and the future of Nationalism. Eric Striker:
October/November Action Summary
October and November were another set of busy months for Action Zealandia. Members from up and down the country took part in placing promotion materials, rubbish clean-ups, banner drops, and self-improvement activities. Also in November, Action Zealandia launched a Taranaki Chapter. Be sure to join as a member or a Continue Reading
Voice of Zealandia Episode 25 – Royal Commission and QAnon debunked
Action Zealandia members Hector and Zane along with regular contributors Chris McCabe discuss the Royal Commission into the Christchurch attack and its consequences on dissidents within New Zealand, as well as looking into American politics and debunking the QAnon Psyop. Music Break: