Introduction Today we will be going over the fundamental mythology of our liberal society. Starting this off we’ll use these three separate quotes in The Doctrine of Fascism, by Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini: “The State’s functions cannot therefore be limited to those of enforcing order and keeping the peace, Continue Reading
Breaking the Boomer Truth Regime
The boomer truth regime refers to the mental prison inflicted upon a section of the population by the establishment; a prison they will defend by attacking any inconvenient truth that threatens their prescribed worldview. This condition mainly affects the older generation often referred to as ‘baby boomers’, or ‘boomers’ for Continue Reading
The Oblivious and the Uninspired
The point of this essay is to highlight the wrongheadedness, disingenuousness, vacuousness, and absurdity of the academics of New Zealand who lack interest and dedication to decisively look at what it is that We on the Right are about. When reading it would be beneficial to refer to two leftist Continue Reading