Our Predicament: The struggle against total enslavement is here – for freedom we fight. To the person reading this, please pay close attention to what you read here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/126525280/timaru-council-votes-to-leave-local-gover nment-new-zealand https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/126512468/timaru-district-council-opposes-three-wat ers-reform Though this was some time ago, it really is a great thing that Timaru managed to get itself Continue Reading
February/March 2022 Action Report
Articles Dealing With the Police “Nationalists have known this for years. If an individual got caught putting up a “White Lives Matter” poster, distributing flyers critical of mass migration, buying “naughty” books online, or discussing our demographic replacement on social media; they would soon earn an intimidation visit (or worse) Continue Reading
Interview with III Droga
The sentiment behind the Mosdorf quote you have used in your Foundational Declaration to substantiate your mindset and commitment is both honourable and highly respectable. This willingness to dedicate oneself to something greater and beyond oneself is something that the majority of individuals struggle to fathom in this era. How Continue Reading