The boomer truth regime refers to the mental prison inflicted upon a section of the population by the establishment; a prison they will defend by attacking any inconvenient truth that threatens their prescribed worldview. This condition mainly affects the older generation often referred to as ‘baby boomers’, or ‘boomers’ for short. When I was younger I used to make fun of them for believing the most unrealistic and unbelievable things, but since I’m now seeing a bigger picture emerge, I’m starting to see this same trend amongst the younger generation. This mental prison is not achieved through traditional means such as the mainstream news media, music, or Hollywood. Instead it is orchestrated via social media influencers on platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter, as well as streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. It is part of an evolution from traditional forms of propaganda such as newspapers and television, to the intensified information-sharing of today.

As we know, influencing the population with propaganda by manufacturing consent is not new; however the scale, sophistication and speed at which it can now be achieved is different. It used to be easy to control the local television, newspaper, and radio stations; which by extension controlled the narrative that the general public moved with. However, these traditional means are dying out with the creation and widespread use of the internet by younger generations. Things are no longer as centralised as far as information outlets are concerned, even if many of the messages remain so. Anyone can now purchase a mobile phone to film and upload content to the internet. One low-quality video can defeat teams of paid propaganda artists using traditional media, and reach a larger audience. We saw this with George Floyd— a drug-addicted felon who beat a pregnant woman— when he was filmed by a bystander as he overdosed on fentanyl while being arrested. Because the video was able to harness a particular sentiment in America’s current cultural ethos, it looked terrible and was able to have a particularly strong narrative created around it as a result. Because of the selective editing and airing of the video, the establishment was able to control the narrative and enforce their agenda that white people are, bluntly speaking, evil and hate black people. This was pushed to the often-passive masses on media platforms. We notice certain slants with these new streaming services. It is all too common for younger generations to binge-watch shows on platforms such as Netflix, which are full of neoliberal propaganda from start to finish. Fringe ideas are pushed as normal, and because a lot of the younger generation are led to believe it is okay to consume large amounts of these streaming services, the dogmatic culture of today often leaves them ripe for being taken under the wing of this propaganda machine. This is no different to the boomer generation watching mainstream cable television all day, but it shows how this phenomenon has evolved with successive generations.

Here is a quick story about exactly the kind of person who is affected by the truth regime. I had not seen one of my friends in a long time, when we bumped into each other on the street recently. I held my hand out to shake his, as any man would do. As I was reaching out, he responded with the weird elbow bump people are doing at the moment. It was an awkward exchange I must say, and I responded to the incident with the classic old remark “that was pretty gay.” As I said that, his face turned to a look of puzzlement; it was as if I’d said something he was not allowed to say. I asked him why he responded like that, and he said that is the way things are now, which to his dismay I laughed at. To make it less awkward, I asked him how he had been and what he was up to. We chatted for a bit like normal, and he brought up football and asked if I had been watching the Euros. I responded like any nationalist would and said, “Why the hell would I watch a group of overpaid men kneeling during their national anthems and disgracing their countries for a group who literally burned down cities for eight months. Half the players are not even from those countries anyway.” I tell you, the look on his face was priceless. He responded: “what do you mean?”, so I explained in great detail what I meant, leaving nothing to spare. He was a classic example of someone who is affected by the boomer truth regime. He had no idea what was going on in the world, nor remotely aware of what the other side of the argument was to the one he had been prescribed on social media. Growing up he used to be just like me, since we enjoyed very similar things and had similar hobbies. This just shows how people you would not expect to be affected, can be. Yet thinking about it further, he was always a follower in the friend group, which might have something to do with it; because he is now not getting the constant reassurance from the group like he used to. He brought up the same simple childish arguments I had seen the enemy make countless times, which I quickly dispatched with, with respect and decency. It is important to maintain composure in such exchanges, because if he had taken any of it as a personal attack on himself, he would have switched to ‘defensive mode’ and the opportunity would have been lost. It was like all his views on BLM were taken from the dumb memes that some degenerate celebrity had posted. I believe I helped change his thought process that day, but will he revert to the same old neoliberal ideology when he wakes up the next day? Who knows, but I didn’t miss the opportunity to attack his mass-prescribed worldview.

My friend was infected, but he only had a minor case, and it was easy to get through to him after a few minutes because of the obvious flaws in his thought process. A minority of the younger generation have it a lot worse, and tend to live in a purely delusional state that is far detached from reality. Like I mentioned at the beginning, the infected people attack and criticise any inconvenient truths that threaten their delusion. All you need to do is check Twitter, and you’ll see people celebrating men and women mutilating their bodies in the name of progress. If you even mention to them that men cannot be women or vice versa, you will get your account suspended. Not only does this go against what anyone with functioning brain cells believes, but it also goes against the natural order of things, including basic science. It shows how powerful some of this propaganda has become and how debilitating it can be for some recipients. What is crazy is that only an unhappy liberal minority actually post like this on Twitter, but they post so frequently that it has formed an unhealthy echo chamber leading some to think that it’s normal and the best way forward. But is it worth me sacrificing my time and effort to attempt to save these people who literally hate me for existing, and who will not even listen to my grievances at all? No way, we tried to help these people long ago, but pointing out reality just enraged them more. I am at peace, to be honest, knowing their ideology is self-destructive, and they are literally removing themselves from the gene pool with no children, and their probable eventual suicide. On the one hand it makes me laugh, thinking that these people have been convinced to mutilate their bodies by trending messages on social media over the past few years. Yet at the same time I do not hate these people, but feel towards them a strong sense of pity. If only they could realise that they are just useful idiots of the neoliberal establishment, and that they are actually on the side of evil. My family and I will be here in generations to come, but these poor souls won’t be if they do not sort out their inner demons and see through this farcical age of global neoliberalism.

So I mentioned ‘breaking’ in the title, which as you may have guessed, means breaking through the mental fog-prison, reaching in and pulling them out of their cell. But this is not always an easy task, as we have learned so far. 90% of the population just wants to be ruled, and will accept the status quo if they can just live out their bourgeois, middle-class, materialistic, modern lives. Meanwhile the other 10% of the population are to a greater extent awake, and know the battles that are going on in our society. This means you can probably reach a great number of people, but only a few can be pulled out of this prison cell. The hindrance usually revolves around not wanting the stigma attached to dissent against the establishment. As we know, you can get people to agree on a majority of points when face-to-face with them, but this one hindrance is a major barrier. However, it is a barrier that will change quickly depending on who is in power, culturally or otherwise. So like I’ve mentioned in previous articles, you really need to pick your targets well. What can these people bring to the movement and how difficult will it be to break through the fog? It might be a case of mental gymnastics if they are heavily under the spell, but if you think they are worth it…go for it. It might happen over a longer time frame, but you just need to probe and challenge constantly. Don’t however let it rule your relationship with them, as too much information in one go will overwhelm their brain and strain your relationship.

We have all seen the boomer truth regime take our friends, family, or community at some stage in our lives, where they have gotten caught up in the trance. This can cause you to question your own sanity, but just remember that staying in this fight is crucial. Arm yourself with solid arguments and rhetoric to combat them. The cultural tide will turn, and we need only to continue to will it to do so.

6 thoughts on “Breaking the Boomer Truth Regime”

  1. I agree with most of your assertions – but I think you are mistaken in calling it the “boomer regime”. Most of this deluded narrative from BLM to ANTIFA to COVID to PC and Cancel Culture is in facet the devilspawn of generations much more recent than boomers.

    Most boomers I know are not fooled by the delusion.

    The dangerous ones are Gen Z and later Millennials.

    1. Hi Viking

      Brendan’s idea was to relate the modern forms of propaganda to the older styles, equating the two mediums and ways of passively consuming media.

      1. Ever since Satan’s Handmaiden – the pinchfaced nasty little “composting toilet tart” Chloe Swarbrick started chucking off at boomers – I’ve become somewhat gunshy at the very mention of the term.

        The rising generation are the most rabid fantasists I’ve ever seen – easily led and stupidly believed History began about 5 years ago at precisely 2.45 pm on a Sunday arvo.

        Enough to make you weep and your haemhoroids bleed.

  2. Hey viking,

    I see what you mean. Like Mike said, I am trying to talk about the evolution of all of this and how tactics have changed by our establishment with other generation . I myself feel into the trap at one stage of my life. We could even call it the zoomer truth regime as I see young people kneeling to their new BLM religion and worshipping coloured sports players.

  3. Are we all not under any numbers of psychological vampirism everyday now neither thou how enlightened we are believing ourselves to be

  4. I see that man has never been so isolated in the crowded room of community, that when he applies labeling to himself he had lost his sense of personal identity of idealism just to fit into a herd community

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