Our Predicament: The struggle against total enslavement is here – for freedom we fight. To the person reading this, please pay close attention to what you read here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/126525280/timaru-council-votes-to-leave-local-gover nment-new-zealand https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/126512468/timaru-district-council-opposes-three-wat ers-reform Though this was some time ago, it really is a great thing that Timaru managed to get itself Continue Reading
Kerre McIvor Needs to go Home
The current sentiment from New Zealand media to try and quash the organic growth of a protest movement fighting for a just cause is annoying to say the least. As if any of these ‘journalistic’ figureheads with cushy salaries in their ivory palaces understand anything about what the average working Continue Reading
Rebuke of NZ Herald: In defense of Children
Yet again, the liberal-marxist order has fully disclosed its anti-White, Europhobic hatred for our people. The article of discussion is a piece that talks about the vile remarks a police officer made in relation to the tragedy involving Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old boy of European descent who was Continue Reading