Action Zealandia members Hector, Zane and Fredrick, along with Kerry Bolton discuss the minor and small parties as a part of our comprehensive election rundown

One thought on “Voice of Zealandia Episode 17 – Election Rundown Part Two”

  1. As of yesterday I’ve started reading Midnight In Siberia. It was published within the last 10 years and it has great detail of what the Soviet system did to Russians, and the lasting effects. The not-smiling thing and avoiding eye-contact / being indifferent to strangers comes from communism. Russians don’t like to be friendly with strangers because under communism if you told the wrong joke and were too open you’d end up in the gulag. So, if a country falls to communism (or a 21st century, socialist eco-dictatorship) then the consequences will be felt in the next century. It affects the character of the whole population in ways you wouldn’t be able to imagine, even when the system is gone for 30 years.

    The Jacindamaniacs will worship Jacinda and revere her image in the media. When nothing changes and the next election is due, Jacindamaniacs will be herded like sheep into polling stations to repeat the misery. If Jacinda Ardern fails to deliver, then her supporters are further inclined to believe that she deserves another term.

    If there is one thing that Jacinda Ardern does better than anyone else, it’s propaganda. She convinces most people that the best is yet to come, when, realistically, Kiwis will more likely experience years of unemployment and high expenses. Then they’ll become apathetic, comfortable with being unemployed, sitting on their asses all day, right where the globalists want us. Just waiting for better hand-outs.

    The younger millennials (1990-1997) won’t be allowed to reproduce and they certainly won’t be allowed to retire because they’ll still be paying for their house. Anyone with children will be raising their family in a one-hundred-and-twenty square metre 2 bedroom flat with single glazing and no backyard. In the future that will look like a luxury to those condemned to live in 30 square metre apartments or San Francisco bunk-bed hostels called “pods”.

    Dreams must be forgotten and goals reduced to a quarter of the original plan. This is what Kiwis deserve for believing in a political system, while ignoring community and sense of belonging (something that government can only simulate for us) Funny how Kiwis are chill about their living standards going down further with each year that passes.

    Just as Russians became tragically docile and accepting of the Soviet system, so too do New Zealanders become accepting of poverty and wasted years of their lives, as they work harder and harder just to get a small sample of what generation x had.

    Most kiwis don’t see the danger, perhaps a millennial with middle class parents feels safe because mum and dad can give them a car and a place to live, but what about the negro population in South Auckland? They will be living in poverty no matter how many hand-outs are given to them, they will be dependent until the end of time. Government and hand-outs mean nothing. What about working class whites on 12 hour graveyard shifts? For them there are no friends and there is no community, only work and recovery days. The only thing that matters is that citizens organise themselves without government help. Given that wage subsidies are running out and things are getting worse, it’s a great time to promote Voice Of Zealandia and get new members.

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